New Technical Support Knowledg...

We are constantly working to improve Basement DefenderTM and customer service is our number one priority.

To better serve our customers we built a knowledge ticket system database to help customers quickly get the answers they asked. As more questions are answered, the greater the knowledge database grows.

It documents issues, dates, unit versions, what the problem was, and resolutions. It also features downloadable PDF guides, video links and more!

We also get notified immediately when a question or ticket is submitted. It gives us an easy way to see who took care of what, was the question answered, when was it what the customer was looking for?

As we grow this helps us be more organized to help our customers and in hand, share that knowledge with everyone.We always look forward to your input to make Basement DefenderTM the best possible solution on the market.

Knowledge Database
Roy Spencer - President of Basement Defender
Roy is a respected authority in the waterproofing industry, with over 40 years of experience under his belt. His company, Perma-Seal, has earned a reputation as Chicagoland’s premier waterproofing contractor, thanks to Roy’s unwavering commitment to quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. His latest innovation, the Basement DefenderTM, is a testament to his dedication to providing homeowners with the best possible protection against basement flooding, representing a major leap forward in the industry’s efforts to prevent water damage and save homeowners from costly repairs.