If you have any red lights on your Basement Defender unit, please use the interactive form below to find a solution.
Common Issues:
Power was lost or a circuit breaker was tripped.
Check your circuit breaker panel.
WiFi connection lost.
Check WiFi on another device. Did you change the WiFi password recently or did you lose power?
Did you lose power?Check WiFi on another device.Did you change the WiFi password recently?
How to Fix This Alert
Pump motor did not run.
Excessive pump run time.
High primary activated.
Check your sump pit to see if the water is going down when the pumps run.
Battery backup pump did not run.
Pump did not run.
Charger not charging.
Low power.
Possible loss of power. Check circuit breakers.
High humidity.
Check for leaks in your basement.
Low temperature.
Look for frozen water pipes.
Description:A backup pump 1 float is activated (learned) but battery 1 is not learned
1. The backup pump 1 float was activated without battery 1 connected
Description:A backup pump 2 float is activated (learned) but battery 2 is not learned
1. The backup pump 2 float was activated without battery 2 connected
Description:No backup batteries learned (Also no backup pump is learned)
1. The customer does not have a backup battery installed AND no backup pump learned
Description:The backup charger is not properly charging
1. The charger is not connected2. The charger is malfunctioning3. Battery is bad
Description:The backup charger 2 is not properly charging
Description:The backup battery 1 is below the low battery volts parameter
1. Backup pump1 is running battery down when power goes out2. Charger is disconnected3. Battery is malfunctioning
Description:The backup battery 2 is below the low battery volts parameter
1. Backup pump2 is running battery down when power goes out2. Charger is disconnected3. Battery is malfunctioning
Description:AC1 is not receiving power
1. Power is out2. The AC1 plug is not connected
Description:AC2 is not receiving power (Alert will only occur if a High Primary Pump is learned)
1. Power is out2. The AC2 plug is not connected
Description:high water level is detected (with optional sensor installed)
Description:The humidity is above the max parameter
Description:The temperature is below the min parameter
Description:The temperature is above the max parameter
Description:A humidity sensor fault is active. The humidity value is outside a valid range
1. The sensor is not connected2. The sensor/harness is malfunctioning
Description:A temp sensor fault is active. The temp value is outside a valid range
Description:There have been no pumps learned
1. No Pumps have been installed2. Learns were cleared
Description:Any time the backup pump 1 is running (excluding manual tests and auto-tests)
1. Backup pump running due to excessive water2. Backup pump running due to power outage and only battery backup pumps will run3. The backup pump was physically installed lower than the low or high primary pump
Description:Any time the backup pump 2 is running (excluding manual tests and auto-tests)
Description:Pump 1 is not properly functioning
How to Fix Pump Alerts
Description:Pump motor did not run
1. Pump is not connected2. Pump is malfunctioning
Description:The current of the pump is below the min parameters
1. Possible pump malfunction
Description:Pump runtime is above the max runtime parameter
1. The float switch is stuck2. Water level is not dropping
Description:Higher pump ran for more than pump inactive delay parameter, while lower pump did not run (Pump 1 has the fault)
1. Pump is physically installed above the high primary pump2. Pump was learned but then unplugged from box
Description:Pump 2 is not properly functioning
Description:Pump motor did not run (no current detected)
Description:The current of the pump is below the default min parameters
Description:Pump runtime is above the default max runtime parameter
Description:Backup pump (higher pump) ran for more than pump inactive delay parameter, while lower pump did not run (Pump 2 has the fault)
1. Pump is physically installed above the backup pump2. Pump was learned but then unplugged from box
Description:Backup pump 1 is not properly functioning
Description:Backup pump 2 (Higher pump) ran for more than pump inactive delay parameter, while lower pump did not run (Backup Pump 1 has the fault)
1. Pump was physically installed above the backup pump 22. Pump was learned but then unplugged from box
Description:Backup pump 2 is not properly functioning
Description:Pump is not properly functioning
Description:Higher pump ran for more than pump inactive delay parameter, while lower pump did not run (Pump has the fault)
Description:Backup pump is not properly functioning
Description:Backup pump (Higher pump) ran for more than pump inactive delay parameter, while lower pump did not run (Backup Pump has the fault)
1. Pump was physically installed above the backup pump2. Pump was learned but then unplugged from box