Charger Alerts
Battery Alerts
Battery Alerts Basement DefenderTM 2.0 Units Basement Defender 1.0 and 1.5 Units
Pump Alerts
Alerts Explained
This is an overview of all alerts that you can come across, for more information about specific alerts, view the individual alert type pages. WiFi Alerts Click here to be taken to the WiFi Pairing Guide! Account Access and Registration Issues “Pump Did Not Run” Alert Red Lights on the Defender Unit Not Receiving […]
How To Repair Basement Defender 1.0 to WiFi 1.0 and 1.5
1.0 and 1.5 Re-Pairing your WiFi or Second Attempts Your Basement DefenderTM is no longer or not paired to your wifi- without it you can’t get your free 12 month of daily testing and alert service, as well as remote diagnostics of your system. Follow these steps: We also have a video tutorial that you […]
Re-Pairing Basement Defender 2.0 to WiFi
Your Basement DefenderTM is no longer or not paired to your wifi- without it you can’t get your free 12 month of daily testing and alert service, as well as remote diagnostics of your system. Follow these steps: If your dealer installed a Yellow Basement DefenderTM Router box to your home’s WiFi router – unplug […]
Connecting Basement Defender 2.0 with Included WiFi Router
The new Basement DefenderTM now comes with it’s own 2.4Ghz WiFi router and network so it will auto connect to the device. The advantages are you no longer need to manually pair your Basement DefenderTM device to your network, now, or if you change carriers or passwords. It will not slow your network as minimal […]
Disconnect from Wi-Fi
1. To disconnect your device from WiFi, press the center button on the Basement Defender unit until it beeps once. 2. Your “Comm” or “WiFi” light will remain red if you are disconnected from WiFi.
Changed Wi-Fi Password
How-To Pair Your Basement Defender to WiFi Network In the event a homeowner decides to change internet service providers or change the WiFi network password, the Basement Defender needs to be updated with the new information. Here is a step-by-step guide to pair to WiFi and keep Basement Defender online! Important! The Basement Defender unit […]
Connect to Wi-Fi
How-To Pair Your Basement Defender to WiFi Network In the event a homeowner decides to change internet service providers or change the WiFi network password, the Basement Defender needs to be updated with the new information. Here is a step-by-step guide to pair to WiFi and keep Basement Defender online! Important! The Basement Defender unit […]